Newborn female patient
Esophageal atresia repaired as neonate
Had cloaca
Loop sigmoid colostomy was done
Referred at age 5½ years for cloacal repair
Chronic spillover of stool from loop colostomy, filling vagina and bladder with reflux, severe renal scaring
4-year-old female patient with total urinary incontinence
Cloaca with features seen in clocal exstrophy
Ileocolic junction originally joined bladder
Distal colon originally joined bladder
Distal colon originally ended blindly
Two adjoining bladders
After an endoscopy 2 weeks later there was reasonable outlet resistance
15-month-old baby girl with a cloaca and a very large intrapelvic sacrococcygeal teratoma
Prior suprapubic cystostomy and sigmoid colostomy at birth
Ostensibly a “usual” cloaca with normal-appearing introitus and imperforate anus
However, pelvic contents were highly abnormal
Neonate treated in 1975-- ear ly in experience with cloacal reconstruction
Sigmoid colostomy was done, but transverse colostomy now preferred
Demonstrated repair in lithotomy position to be possible, although today a posterior sagittal approach might be used
Hendren's first cloacal repair in 1962 had the vagina exteriorized with a perineal flap, and the rectum was repaired by a posterior sagittal approach and pullthrough
20-year-old female patient referred in 1987, with a history of surgery for cloaca and imperforate anus
Her problems included bowel incontinence and inability to have coitus
4-year-old female patient with very unusual cloacal anatomy was referred in 1989
Divided loop colostomy had been done at birth and remained
There was urinary incontinence as well
5-year-old cloaca patient was referred in 1980 as a "nightmare" case
All prior surgery had failed including rectal, vaginal, and ureteral operations
Previous colostomy and vesicostomy.
Patient referred in 1986 at age 16 months for cloacal repair
Colostomy and cutback of urogenital sinus to relieve hydrophrenosis previously done as neonate
Straightforward anatomy repairable using posterior sagittal exposure in prone position