Case Summary
3 mo baby girl
Single orifice (small)
Double barrel colostomy
Increasing head circumference on admission – Hydrocephalus
PMH: Was born with VACTERL
Case Summary
Female newborn with significant cardiac malformation (single ventricle physiology, aortic atresia, dysplastic pulmonary valve), partial duplication of the left foot , and recto-vestibular fistula
Time of operation for the anorectal malformation
Case Summary
Referred at age 6 weeks to clinic, ARM noted at birth
Term infant, thriving: 70th percentile
Anus close to vagina
Difficulty / straining with defecation
Spinal and pelvic ultrasound: normal no presacral mass, no tethered cord
Case Summary
5-day-old, female patient, transferred from another state with bilious emesis
Underwent laparoscopic leveling biopsies and ileostomy on day of life 10
At 15 days post-op:
Did not tolerate feeds
No stoma output
Case Summary
15 yo female patient, an immigrant from Peru (9 months previously).
Presented to ED with enlarging suprasternal mass, painful, present for 2 years
U/S performed
Treated with 10 days of Clavulin