Why Patients with Hirschsprung Present with Colitis

Luis De La Torre, M.D.
Colorectal Center and Hirschsprung Institute for Children, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

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Webinar Summary

In the first of a series of innovative webinars on Current Controversies in Hirschsprung Disease, Luis De La Torre, M.D., Founding Director of the Colorectal Center at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and Associate Professor, Department of Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, provides an in-depth presentation on Hirschsprung Disease and colitis, followed by a Question/Answer session on The Hendren Project,

The webinar focused on early identification of high-risk patients and reviewed the evidence supporting preventative strategies to reduce the likelihood of patients developing Hirschsprung Disease associated colitis. Dr. De La Torre reviewed the diagnostic criteria for colitis and evaluated the current pre-surgical and post-surgical management approaches. Also, he outlined strategies to work with post-surgical patients with chronic or recurrent colitis and discussed the management options to treat each underlying cause.

Summary Slides & Takeaways

Questions and Answers from the Presentation

Learning Objectives

  • Fully understand what Hirschsprung Disease is and the challenges it presents
  • Understand the differences between enterocolitis and colitis
  • Become knowledgeable about complications and outcomes from Hirschsprung Disease surgery
  • What to look for in treating patients with Hirschsprung Disease
  • Understand the pathogenesis of Hirschsprung Disease
  • Understand the best time to treat Hirschsprung Disease
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