Case Overview:
- 14-month-old female patient referred in 1993 for cloacal reconstruction
- Duodenal atresia had been repaired at birth, and right transverse colostomy
- There was massive reflux bilaterally
- Bilateral reimplants had been done at age 3 months, but massive reflux persisted
Follow Up:
- Patient did well using catheterization for bladder emptying and saline enema washouts to manage the bowel
- In 1992, at age 9 years, the bladder was augmented with ileum, giving it normal volume and better compliance
- At puberty, menstruation began, indicating patency of the anastamosis of the left uterus with the colon vagina
- In 2011, at age 19 years, patient was in good health and passed a sterile catheter 4-5 times daily and is dry
- Colon is lavaged with saline every other day
- She is continent, does not soil
THP Source: