Treatment Strategies
Male Patient with Anorectal Malformation
Case Summary
Infant Male Patient 8 Months Old with Down Syndrome and Failure To Thrive
Case Summary
Female Patient 13 Years Old with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Case Summary
Male Patient, 18 Years Old, with CHARGE Syndrome
Case Summary
Male Patient, 12-Years-Old, with Hirschsprung Disease
Case Summary
Newborn Male Patient with Recto-perineal Fistula
Case Summary
- Newborn male presents with recto-perineal fistula.
- This is a tiny recto-perineal fistula, which would not be able to be dilated.
- Cross table lateral film shows a short distance to the anal impression.
- Radiograph at the outside hospital showed significant colonic dilation.