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Workshops for the Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children


Led by Alberto Peña, MD; Andrea Bischoff, MD; and Luis De La Torre, MD; from the International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care at Children's Hospital Colorado, the 66th Workshop for the Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Problems in Children was a comprehensive surgical and management workshop hosted virtually through The Hendren Project.

11-Month-Old Female Patient with Scabies and Imperforate Anus with Fistula Discovered During Hospitalization

Case Summary

  • Patient presents for evaluation. She is an 11-mo-old female patient from Panama. She had an out of hospital delivery. She has no surgical history. Mother is currently pregnant again. Patient is exclusively breast fed.
  • She had loose stool daily and her weight is 6.1 kg.