SRP Discussion
This session focused on two interesting cases (1) a case of a newborn baby girl with abdominal distension and (2) several cases of abdominal pain and inflammation, including a rare case of perforated appendicitis. The importance of diligence, detail, and shared decision-making in pathology and treatment decisions was emphasized, with a focus on the potential for significant consequences and the need for follow-up on certain practices. Each case required nuanced decision-making with significant short and long-term implications for the patient.
Case 1. Ileal Atresia 2/2 Pre-natal Segmental Volvulus with Bowel Perforation
Case 1 focused on a newborn baby girl with abdominal distension and failure to pass meconium. The team discussed the diagnostic process, radiological findings, and subsequent surgical intervention. Various potential diagnoses were reviewed, including Hirschsprung disease and distal ileal atresia. The team decided to perform a contrast enema for further evaluation. The surgical procedure, histological findings, and post-operative care were discussed, along with the rationale for performing a primary anastomosis in this case.
Case 2. Low-grade Mucinous Appendiceal Neoplasm
Several cases of abdominal pain and inflammation were discussed, including a rare case of perforated appendicitis that was initially managed conservatively. The team explored a histopathological analysis of an appendix and the diagnosis of a rare medical condition called low-grade appendiceal, mucinous neoplasm. The importance of diligence, detail, and shared decision-making in pathology and treatment decisions was emphasized, with a focus on the potential for significant consequences and the need for follow-up on certain practices.