#CBCLIPS Episode 25: A boy with non-accidental Injury

#CBCLIPS Creator and Editor: Sherif Emil, M.D., C.M.; McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada.
Dr. Emil is a Senior Editor of The Hendren Project and Editor-in-Chief of the Abdominal Wall Defects Section.

1. Case Scenario

  • A 21-months old boy, is brought to ED by his mother because she could not awaken him.
  • He apparently fell out of bed 1h prior to arrival.
  • He may have drand ant killer.
  • Patient had GCS 12 and forehead bruise. Normal oral exam. Abdomen mildly distended but soft.

What's your next step?







2. Case Commentary

Guest Presenter: Shin Miyata, MD, Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital, St. Louis, MO



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