#CBCLIPS Episode 27: A newborn male with abdominal distension and failure to pass meconium

#CBCLIPS Creator and Editor: Sherif Emil, M.D., C.M.; McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada.
Dr. Emil is a Senior Editor of The Hendren Project and Editor-in-Chief of the Abdominal Wall Defects Section.

1. Case Scenario

  • A newborn baby boy, presents with abdominal distension and failure to pass meconium.
  • Abdomen is distended, but soft.
  • Normal anus & anal canal is funnel-shaped.
  • Rectum is not patent.
  • Prone lateral film is shown below.

How would you treat this patient?








2. Case Commentary

Guest Presenter: Marc Levitt, MD; Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC

► Videos of Dr. Levitt's procedures



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