Sherif Emil, M.D., C.M., inaugurated an innovative educational activity on social media in 2020, #CBCLIPS. It stands for Case-Based Clinical Learning in Pediatric Surgery. #CBCLIPS is inspired by his book, Clinical Pediatric Surgery: A Case-Based Interactive Approach. #CBCLIPS is now  archived on The Hendren Project. All 50 scenarios and video commentaries can be watched here and new episodes will continue to be added. 


  • To learn or consolidate important clinical concepts relevant to pediatric surgery in just a few moments. Trainees and practitioners will find this fun and highly educational. In addition to pediatric surgeons, #CBCLIPS will be relevant to pediatricians, neonatalogists, and multiple pediatric subspecialists who work with pediatric surgical patients, as well as pediatric radiologists and pathologists.

How #CBCLIPS Works

A brief case scenario is posted.  Participants then are given a chance to discuss the scenario, make comments, and answer key questions regarding the major principles and takeaways covered in the scenario. One to two weeks later, a brief video commentary is posted that discusses a clinical approach to the case, as well as evidence-based management. 50 episodes of #CBCLIPS have already been created that encompass the entire range of pediatric surgical practice. Additional episodes will be posted on social media in the future, and subsequently archived on The Hendren Project. 


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