15-Month-Old Female Patient with a Cloaca and Large Intrapelvic Sacrococcygeal Teratoma (Hendren Patient Case)

Case Overview: 
  • 15-month-old baby girl with a cloaca and a very large intrapelvic sacrococcygeal teratoma
  • Prior suprapubic cystostomy and sigmoid colostomy at birth


Follow Up: 

At age 4 years

  • Prolapsed rectum was trimmed flush with perineum

At age 12 years

  • Late stricture of upper urethra opened endoscopically (all care given thereafter elsewhere as required by HMO)
  • Bowel evacuation with enemas changed to ACE procedure, with saline washout every other day, with no soiling
  • Bladder emptying changed to umbilical Mitrofanoff procedure, for partially neuropathic bladder, with excellent result

At age 19 years

  • Hysterectomy done elsewhere age 19


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