Video Summary of Cases Presented
Case 1. Male Patient with Anorectal Malformation
Maria Zornoza, M.D.; Centro Colorrectal Para Niños, Puebla, Mexico
Case 2. Posterior Sagittal Incision and Dissection of the Posterior and Anterior Rectal Wall
Eliane Andree Heftye, M.D.; National Institute of Pediatrics, Mexico City, Mexico
Case 3. Male Patient 11 Months Old with Difficulty Passing Stool
Andrea Bischoff, M.D.; International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care, Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO
Case 4. Male Patient 1 Year Old with Hirschsprung Disease
Andrea Bischoff, M.D.; International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care, Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO
International Colorectal Web Meeting: March 2024 Full Video
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