Female Patient with Rectovestibular Fistula and Vaginal Agenesis: May 2024

Centro Colorectal para Niños, Hospital Intantil de México, Frederico Gómez, Mexico City, Mexico




Case Summary

  • Eight-year-old female. No history of illness in her family.
  • History of chronic constipation, without treatment.
  • She came to the colorectal center at 8 yo.
  • Physical examination found an anorectal malformation, rectovestibular fistula, and vaginal agenesis.
  • She went to the OR for a colostomy with distal mucus fistula.
  • We did studies to search for another malformation.
  • In the physycal examination, we found a lumbar scoliosis, bad perineum, incontinence associated dermatitis.
  • X-ray showed abnormal sacrum, with sacral ratio in 0.3.
  • In the MRI, reported a tethered cord.
  • Distal colostogram showed the rectum under the sacrum, reachable through a posterior sagittal incision.
  • US and CT reported absent uterus and a bilateral double excretory system.


Patient Case Discussion

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