#CBCLIPS Episode 32: A 4-year-old girl with an episode of pancreatitis

#CBCLIPS Creator and Editor: Sherif Emil, M.D., C.M.; McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada.
Dr. Emil is a Senior Editor of The Hendren Project and Editor-in-Chief of the Abdominal Wall Defects Section.

1. Case Scenario

  • A previously healthy 4-yr-old girl presents with pancreatitis, which resolves over 72 hours.
  • Ultrasound (below)  shows gallbladder sludge, a mildly dilated common bile duct at 6.7 mm, and mildly dilated hepatic ducts.
  • A gastroenterologist believes she passed a stone.

What do you do next?






2. Case Commentary 



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