#CBCLIPS Episode 24: A female toddler with an infected lung cyst

#CBCLIPS Creator and Editor: Sherif Emil, M.D., C.M.; McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada.
Dr. Emil is a Senior Editor of The Hendren Project and Editor-in-Chief of the Abdominal Wall Defects Section.

1. Case Scenario

  • A 17-month-old previously healthy girl, presents with 6 days of cough and fever.
  • She is mildly tachypneic, but saturating 99% on room air.
  • Breath sounds are decreased in the right upper lung zones.
  • Chest X-ray and CT are shown below.

How would you manage this patient?








2. Case Commentary



3. Additional Video:

Thoracoscopic Upper Lobectomies for Symptomatic Congenital Lung Cysts


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